Strona główna Blog Strona 256

Eurelectric: What should change to enable energy transition?

Eurelectric, the European power sector association would like share with you its concerns regarding EU rules on the linking of energy infrastructure. In their current status, we believe that they are not up to the challenge of the clean energy transition.

PGE Heart to be moved from Bełchatów to the Baltic Sea?

94 percent – this is the current share of brown and hard coal in the electric energy generation structure in the Polish Energy Group, the largest energy generating company in Poland. However, these proportions will change over the next 10 years. Why? PGE is preparing foundations for a green turn. Out of 13 international entities, the company will choose a partner for development of offshore wind energy engineering. It is going to be a battle on the Polish Baltic where nothing is certain – claims Bartłomiej Sawicki, editor of

Warsaw Institute: U.S. permanent military base in Poland is a favorable solution for NATO

This following report captures the idea of a permanent US base in Poland in the geopolitical context, along with its consequences for NATO and Central and Eastern Europe. This paper was supplemented with comments from experts from the United States, Lithuania and Romania to show a broader perspective on the creation of a U.S. permanent military facility on Alliance’s Eastern Flank – Grzegorz Kuczyński, Director of Eurasia Program at Warsaw Institute and Krzysztof Kamiński, President of the Warsaw Institute.

Sakławski: All scenarios on energy prices are possible (INTERVIEW)

By the end of March, an amendment to a statute aiming to stop energy bill prices from going up in 2019 is to be prepared. Jan Sakławski, legal counsel, partner of the Brysiewicz i Wspólnicy office, stated in an interview with z that now „all scenarios are possible.”

The International Academic Conference “Security and Regulation of the Energy Market” under the patronage of


The Department of European Economic Law and the Society of Energy Law and Other Infrastructure Sectors of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz along with the University of Economics in Katowice and the Polish Foundation of Competition Law and Sector Regulation Ius Publicum invite everyone to the International Academic Conference “Security and Regulation of the Energy Market”. The Conference will be held on 23–24 May 2019 at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz (Lodz, 8/12 Kopcińskiego Street).

Orlen will buy 150 fast chargers. ABB will be among the suppliers

PKN ORLEN has signed a general agreement for the supply of ABB’s next generation DC fast charging stations for electric cars – Terra 54.

Kowal: Nord Stream 2 in Goral

Nord Stream 2 is the stumbling block of European integration. People look at it as a test that tells us something about the real intentions of European countries. There are of course many matters on the basis of which it is possible to investigate whether the integrators today are honest: in many cases the test would probably go very well, but the Nord Stream pipeline can not be missed in this discussion. The EU must make this attempt and in the meantime the effect of this attempt may be weak – writes Paweł Kowal, a former deputy minister of foreign affairs, a historian.