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CEEP: Tremendous accomplishments of cross border energy cooperation in Central Europe

Central European countries have achieved significant results in the field of cross-border energy cooperation, both in gas and electricity sectors. A key reason for this progress is the increasing infrastructural interconnectivity and integration of the markets. There has also been remarkable progress achieved in the synchronization of the Baltic States with the continental European network. What’s more, due to the liberalisation processes and legal system in place, cross-border trade is growing dynamically in the region. These were the main conclusions of the 3rd Central European Day of Energy Conference held on the 5th of November in Bruxelles.

PGNiG signed a 24-year contract with Cheniere for LNG deliveries to Poland


Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) and Cheniere Marketing International LLP have signed a long-term agreement for supplies of liquefied natural gas from the USA.

The EU – the climate change combat leader or a lone runner? (COVERAGE)

Yesterday, the building of the European Parliament was the venue of the “COP24 – The Road to Katowice: Changing Together for a Just Energy Transition” conference organised by EurActiv and the PKEE. Should the European Union as a whole increase its climate ambitions? Will we be the global climate policy leader or will we turn into a lone runner? The panellists were attempting to answer these questions, among others.

MEPs to Angela Merkel: Mrs. Chancellor, change course about Nord Stream 2!

The federal government needs strength to change its course about Nord Stream 2. Now that the chancellor decided to give up her leadership in CDU, she should take this chance to sweep the obstacles from the way of German policy to make a European progress with new determination. Nord Stream 2 is a bad project concerning energy, climate, environment, security, economy and alliance policies. So far the federal government has not sought for reasonable solutions, only excuses. The range of criticism in the European Parliament shows how Germany is isolated in this issue That is why I and my Lithuanian colleague Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE) have initiated an open letter to chancellor Angela Merkel. The letter was supported by 60 MEPs from five fractions as well as other signatories – writes a German MEP Reihard Bütikofer from the Greens. You can read the full letter below.

Gaz-System’s platform will contribute to the development of the regional gas market

Within the framework of the undertaken proceedings, the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) selected the GSA Platform created on the initiative and used by Gaz-System out of the three capacity booking platforms available on the market. As a result, this IT tool will be used by gas transmission system operators at the Polish-German border.

With the right reforms, Romania could reap the rewards of wind

Romania should harness onshore wind to meet growing demand for electricity instead of investing in conventional power – this was the message WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson told the annual meeting of the Romanian Wind Energy Association in Bucharest today.

PGNiG prepares a development plan for another field in Norway

The gas reserves of the Fogelberg field are estimated at between 7 and 14 bcm. The start of commercial production is in line with the plans of PGNiG as the company seeks to increase the production of natural gas in Norway in order to supply it via the Baltic Pipe to Poland.

PGNiG to buy Tommeliten Alpha interest from Equinor

PGNiG Upstream Norway AS, part of the PGNiG SA Group, signed a sales and purchase agreement with Equinor (formerly Statoil) to buy into the Tommeliten Alpha gas and condensate field, located in the southern part of the Norwegian Continental Shelf in the greater Ekofisk Area. The transaction marks a next step in the implementation of the PGNiG Group’s strategy and will allow for a significant increase in natural gas production outside Poland.

Germany is building an LNG terminal. They are learning from the Poles

Germany wants to build its own LNG terminal. Very good. They take an example from Poles – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of