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Poland and Denmark will share the costs of Baltic Pipe

The Polish Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) and the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority (DERA) have issued a coordinated decision regarding the cross-border cost allocation of the Baltic Pipe project.

Baca-Pogorzelska: It is not true that we argue with everyone

While the government in the heat of criticism explains its diplomatic penetrations with ever new countries in the background, there remains the improvement of some relations a little unnoticed. Yes, I know that exceptions confirm the rule, but it is worth noting. Lithuania is such an example – writes Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska from Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Skripal and spies of Russia. Sanctions – yes, but how to regulate the internet?

Spy in the Ministry of Energy lured journalists through Facebook? Another spectacular hacker attacks? It’s nothing new. Novum is an attempt to settle the problem taken up by the West. The Internet must be subject to regulations – says Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

Alleged Russian spy in Polish Ministry of Energy arrested

On March 23rd, 2018, the National Security Agency detained Marek W., a public official employed in one of ministries in charge of economic affairs. Marek W. is suspected of collaborating with secret services of the Russian Federation.

Energy and security in the Baltic bring Poland and Norway together (INTERVIEW)

The report of the Polish Institute of International Affairs and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs „Energy and Defense in the Nordic-Baltic Region” describes how energy security is combined with military security. – The energy interests of Poland and Norway are complementary: the stability and security of the region is important for Poland as a gas and oil importer, and Norway – as an exporter. Therefore, it is in our interest to strengthen the security of the region – says one of the authors of the report, analyst at the Polish Institute of International Affairs, Bartosz Bieliszczuk, in an interview with

The gun is hanging on the wall. Nord Stream 2 will get more expensive (ANALYSIS)

The Americans warn the companies involved in Nord Stream 2 against sanctions. It is unclear whether they will decide to introduce them, against some of the Europeans involved in the project. This threat is likely to increase the cost of the gas pipeline. Meanwhile, today there will be a significant vote on the revision of the Gas Directive, which may potentially delay its implementation – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

Polish wind energy can join forces with Scandinavia

It seems that the decision on the development of offshore wind farms has already been made. The next element is the connection. Who will implement them and who will pay for them? Integrated energy transmission systems based on marine power cables are an opportunity. Poland can implement such projects with Sweden and Lithuania, as well as with Denmark, said Mariusz Wójcik from the Foundation for Sustainable Energy in an interview with