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Pulaski Foundation: Geopolitical dimension and influence of sanctions on the Nord Stream 2

In late November 2017 the Nord Stream 2 has been blamed by the U.S. Department of State for being Kremlin’s weapon of political blackmailing, which soon could be torpedoed by the U.S. sanctions against Russia[i]. The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is the new route for gas transit that Russian Gazprom and its European partners – OMV, Engie, Royal Dutch Shell, Uniper and Wintershall – plan to build through the Baltic Sea to Germany. It has been criticised for threatening energy security of Russia’s Western neighbours, in particular Ukraine and Poland. However, since recent U.S. bill on sanction in July 2017, the project itself is to the great extent under the threat of falling apart – writes Irena Budz for the Pulaski Foundation.

Morawiecki: We will not get rid of smog in a year. Woźny: Plans reach the third term of PiS

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki presented the government program „Smog stop” yesterday. The government wants to fight against smog, among others through thermal modernization of buildings.

Polish energy sector promotes the fight against smog. PKEE Report

Smog and air pollution are not so much caused by power plants and industry, but above all so-called low emissions, i.e. old domestic heating stoves and local coal-fired boilers. This sector is responsible for over 40 percent of total PM10 dust emissions in Poland, as well as 80% total emission without (a) pyrene B (a) P – results from the report by the Polish Electricity Committee on the smog and activities of the Polish energy sector to improve air quality, which inaugurated the information and education campaign „Energy sector loves clean air”.

Will Poland invest in gas pipelines in Ukraine?

If Poles are considering taking over shares in gas transmission pipelines in Ukraine, a number of conditions should be met to guarantee investment security. Poland should mobilize Berlin and Brussels for this purpose – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

PKEE: Capacity market is cheaper than strategic reserve

Revision of the Electricity Market Regulation should set out a clear level playing field to make the market competitive, consumer-oriented, flexible and technology-neutral. European electricity markets currently face structural challenges to security of supply due to the missing capacity and missing money problems, while new generating investments are insufficient to bridge the gap. The latest package of the European Commission’s decisions approving the new capacity mechanisms in six Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Poland) proves that well-designed capacity mechanisms play an increasing role in strengthening the market reforms and ensure security of supply at the same time.

Polish electric bus? Dreams are coming true (REPORT)

During the Europe Industry Week conference, the panel „Buses: Electric bus on the streets of my city” took place. The panel was led by Agata Rzędowska, editor of Representatives of companies emphasized that already now about 70 percent of low-emission vehicles being produced are of Polish production. This is due to cooperation with Polish contractors. The challenge may be access to electric batteries.

A never-ending discussion about the first Polish NPP

The government is to submit an energy strategy by the end of this year, the nuclear power plant is one of the flagship projects of this strategy. The one who has to give us a solution that meets the stringent EU requirements on reducing CO2 emissions. As an emission-free source of energy, a nuclear power plant would significantly reduce the average greenhouse gas emissions in Poland – writes Teresa Wójcik, editor of

A quarter-century of Gazprom, and there is still no certainty of supplies

Gazprom, the energy arm of Russia’s foreign policy, celebrates its 25th anniversary. Moscow argues that it was a good time for it and the company remains the guarantor of Europe’s energy security. Meanwhile, the central-eastern part of the continent will remember these years as a time of domination and dictating game conditions for European gas consumers. It seems that it is coming to an end – writes Piotr Stępiński, editor of