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Time of traders on the LNG market. Poland may benefit from it

– The LNG market is volatile, forcing flexibility on suppliers. They are supported by traders who take on the risk of market instability for a small fee. Will there be more LNG contracts with traders in Poland? – Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of, wonders.

Electromobility is not a rocket science. Polish car in four years’ time (INTERVIEW)

In December 2017, a start-up from Sweden presented Uniti One – a small original electric car. The sale of the car is to start in 2019. We talked about how to build a car from scratch within four years and whether the success of a start-up from Lund can be repeated in Polish conditions with Krzysztof Kowalczyk, former president of Electromobility Poland and an electromobility expert.

Polish Briefing: The EC organizes a meeting on air quality. Poland not invited

What goes on in Poland on the 22nd of January.

The EC organizes a meeting on air quality. Poland not invited

The European Commission informed on Friday that it plans a meeting of nine member states to find a solution for the problem of bad air quality. Poland, a country that has been sued in this issue to the Court of Justice, is not among the invited. The meeting will include ministers from the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Great Britain. These nine countries are endangered by crossing the limit of air quality.

– The meeting will be organized for three reasons – in order to protect the citizens, to explain that no improvement will cause legal consequences and to remind the member states that this step is the final stage – some might say, too long – period, in which we offer help, advice and warnings – said the EU commissioner for environment, Karmenu Vella.

The EU directive on air quality and clean air for Europe demands the member states to limit emissions of particulate matters and nitrogen dioxide.

PKN Orlen to construct its own network of electric vehicle chargers in Poland

The Company is launching a pilot project to install fast chargers for electric vehicles at its service stations. A RFP for 23 (50 kW and 100 kW) chargers has just been released. By the end of 2018, motorists will be able to recharge their electric cars at some service stations located along Poland’s main transit routes.

The newly deployed points will be able to recharge all types of electric vehicles available on the European market. All will be equipped with two DC charging connectors supporting the CHAdeMO and CCS standards, as well as a Type 2 connector for AC charging. A 50 kW DC fast charging station can charge electric vehicle batteries from 20% to 80% of their full capacity within 20–30 minutes.

The project will be implemented in 2018–2019, with the first points already in service by the end of this year. The specific locations will be determined later in the RFP process. Apart from transit locations, chargers will also be installed at PKN Orlen premises in Płock and Warsaw.

“The investment in electric mobility, in line with wider strategic development plans for the Polish economy, will allow us to significantly expand the know-how we have gained on foreign markets. It will also be a major stimulant to growth of the entire alternative fuel market in Poland. Our aim is to ensure that in 2019 drivers of electric cars are able to travel across Poland along the main routes relying only on our charging points,” said Wojciech Jasiński, President of the Management Board of PKN Orlen.

The more expensive oil will provide Putin with funding for the elections, but it may take revenge

The oil price is approaching USD 70 per Brent barrel. Banks are speculating that the shareholders of the oil agreement may end it prematurely, so as not to encourage competition. However, so far more expensive oil will give Vladimir Putin funds for the election campaign – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

Wandering in the darkness. Cyber security following reconstruction

Cyber security is unfortunate in Poland. For a long time now, there has been friction between various state institutions. As a result, new visions emerge, but there are few concrete actions. The government’s reconstruction can help, but so far, the list of pressing problems is only growing.

New US sanctions against Iran are a cause for concern for the Polish business


President Donald Trump decided to impose new sanctions on Iran, although he did not break the nuclear agreement. He announced that he was giving Iran a last chance and also pointed out that the agreement should be improved. We will return to the starting point in 120 days’ time, when Donald Trump again has to make a decision concerning the confirmation of Iran’s implementation of the agreement. Contrary to appearances, it is a step backwards, because if President Trump were determined to break the agreement, he would have done so long ago – says Patryk Gorgol, a cooperator of In January 2017, our portal, as the first portal in Poland, informed that the reason behind Poles’ reservations for investments in Iran may be the policy of the USA.

Germany is stalling for time. The Commission may delay Nord Stream 2

If the coalition talks in Germany fail, the country will be facing new elections. Contrary to the coalition of Christian democrats, liberals and greens, which has not come into being, the potential return of the Great Coalition of Christian democrats and socialists is a sign of slowing down the energy turn and defending Nord Stream 2. The Commission and Poland together are defending an initiative that may delay or even block Nord Stream 2 against Germany, as recognised by the EUROGAS industry organisation – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

Why is sand brought to the beach, i.e. LNG from Russia in the USA (ANALYSIS)

Do Americans bring sand to the beach? The media are speculating on the possibility of delivering LNG from the Yamal LNG project to the USA. Although the volume and importance of such a transaction are unitary, it proves the growth of the LNG market, which is also considered prospective by Poles – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of