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Budapest LNG Summit: LNG in Central & Eastern Europe – Assets, Connections and Missing Pieces



16 October, Budapest. Today marks the first day of the Budapest LNG Summit, the first international liquefied natural gas (LNG) conference within Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), featuring leaders from 25 countries participating, who represent the most important international energy companies and institutions as well as the most important enterprises within the CEE region.

Poland smashes Nord Stream 2. We reveal legal opinions

I have previously published Polish government’s documents, that concluded that controversial pipelines from Russia to Germany should be a subject to EU legislation. This may reduce its harmfulness for Central and Eastern Europe markets or even – in case of Nord Stream 2 – block the construction. Poles’ new opinion confirms it – writes Wojciech Jakóbik,’s editor-in-chief.

Amending the RES regulations is becoming a Sisyphean task

There are still no stable regulations for renewable energy sources (RES). Discussions are in full swing, writes Teresa Wójcik, editor at

Lex Nord Stream 2

After the failure to subject the controversial Nord Stream 2 project to the Third Energy Package and to acquire the mandate to negotiate a legal regime with Russia, the European Commission wants to update the offshore pipelines regulations to finally apply the EU law to the project – writes Wojciech Jakóbik,’s editor in chief.

EPC and CEEP: Nord Stream 2: Assessing the economic and security impact on Central and Eastern Europe

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Nord Stream 2: Assessing the economic and security impact on Central and Eastern Europe 

Uffe Ellemann-Jensen

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Stefan Moser

Head of Unit for Security of Supply, DG Energy, European Commission

Peter Kotek

Senior Research Associate, Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research

Nemunas Biknius

Strategy Director, EPSO-G

Florian Weiser

Research Associate, ewi Energy Research & Scenarios

 Marco Giuli

Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (Moderator)  

14.30-16.30 (registration from 14.10)

EPC Conference Centre, 14-16 Rue du Trône, 1000 Brussels

The European Policy Centre and Central Europe Energy Partners are delighted to invite you to this Policy Dialogue on the regional impact of Nord Stream 2.

If realised, the Nord Stream 2 project would double the gas transfer capacity of the already operational Nord Stream 1, enabling Russian exporter Gazprom to concentrate supplies to a single Russo-German route and further marginalize Ukrainian transit routes. This has triggered a heated debate, including on Nord Stream 2 consistency with the EU Energy Union objectives and the effect on potential market and security of supply. Concerns are particularly acute in the Central and Eastern European region, which according to the pipeline’s detractors would be negatively impacted by this dependence on a single source and unfavourable price dynamics caused by a possible cut in the access to the Western gas hubs. It also raises concerns about strengthening of a dominant market player – Gazprom – leading to further market concentration, in the wake of anticipated competition between LNG and pipeline gas on the European market.

This Policy Dialogue will explore different perspectives on the potential impact of Nord Stream expansion on such areas as energy security, market integration, prices and investment in the Central and Eastern European Region.

Please send your participation request to Ivanina Valeva at 

European Policy Centre

Tel: 02 231 03 40 

Nord Stream 2: Council’s opinion on negotiations is one-sided and unconvincing

Opinion of the EU Council’s Legal Service on the Nord Stream 2 agreement: unconvincing, incorrect, and one-sided – writes Jerzy Dudek*, energy and EU law expert.